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About Us

Stronger united: Community Centre Friedrichsfelde since August 2023 

This video is in German

Gemeinschaft erleben und gestalten

Das Stadtteilzentrum

Seit August 2023 gibt es das Stadtteilzentrum Friedrichsfelde in Trägerschaft der pad gGmbH. Ziel des Stadtteilzentrums ist es, Räume zu schaffen in denen die Menschen sich kennenlernen und begegnen können. Das Stadtteilzentrum fördert bürgerschaftliches Engagement, unterstützt die Entwicklung nachbarschaftlicher Bindungen und schafft Raum für Selbsthilfeinitiativen.

Als Stadtteilzentrum bieten wir viele verschiedene Angebote, zum Beispiel in den Bereichen Beratung, Bildung, Kultur und Freizeit, an. Die Angebote sind für Menschen jeden Alters. Das Wichtigste für das Stadtteilzentrum sind die Wünsche der Nachbar*innen.

Wir starten zunächst als Stadtteilzentrum Friedrichsfelde in Bewegung mit einer Mischung aus mobilen Angeboten und Angeboten in den Räumlichkeiten der Einbecker Straße 85. Nach Fertigstellung der Kultschule wird sich das Stadtteilzentrum Friedrichsfelde gemeinsam mit weiteren Akteur*innen dort ansiedeln.

Das Stadtteilzentrum bietet:
  • Allgemeine Sozialberatung und Verweis an weitere Beratungs- oder Selbsthilfekontaktstellen
  • Informationen über Angebote in Friedrichsfelde 
  • Feste und Veranstaltungen für die Nachbarschaft
  • Anlaufstelle für die Nachbarschaft und Sichtbarkeit im Kiez – vor allem durch unsere mobilen Angebote 
  • Angebote für alle Altersgruppen, die auf die Wünsche der Nachbar*innen angepasst sind
  • Hilfe bei der Umsetzung eigener Ideen für Friedrichsfelde 
Wir arbeiten mit anderen Akteur*innen, Gruppen und den Anwohner*innen in Friedrichsfelde zusammen, um den Stadtteil aktiv zu gestalten. Gemeinsam wollen wir eine lebendige und vielfältige Umgebung schaffen, von der alle Bewohner*innen profitieren.

Experience and shape community

The Community Centre

Pad gGmbH has been running Community Centre Friedrichsfelde since August 2023. The aim of the community centre is to create spaces where people can meet and get to know each other. It promotes civic engagement, supports the development of neighbourhood relationships and provides space for self-help initiatives.

As a community centre, we offer a variety of different services, such as in the areas of counselling, education, culture and spare time. These services are meant for people of all ages. The most important thing for the community centre is what the neighbourhood wants.
We offer a mix of mobile services, where we are active as a mobile community centre, and activities held in our rooms at Einbecker Straße 85. Once the Kultschule is completed, the Community Centre Friedrichsfelde will be based there, along with other stakeholders.

We work with other stakeholders, groups and residents in Friedrichsfelde to actively shape the neighbourhood community. Together we want to create a vibrant and diverse community for the benefit of all residents. 


The community centre offers: 

  • General social counselling and referrals to other counselling or self-help services
  • Information about activities in Friedrichsfelde
  • Events in the neighbourhood
  • A point of contact for the community and a visible presence in the neighbourhood, especially with our mobile community centre.
  • Activities for all ages, tailored to the needs of the community
  • Help and assistance in implementing your personal ideas for the benefit of Friedrichsfelde

Our rules


In order to ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience at the Community Centre Friedrichsfelde, we have agreed on the following rules:

  • As a community centre, we stand for diversity. Everyone is welcome and should feel at home here. We therefore have a zero tolerance policy for any form of discrimination in our community centre.
  • We ensure that the community centre is and remains a non-violent environment for all of us.
  • We ask all smokers to smoke outside the entrance as smoking is prohibited throughout the building.
  • If you feel unwell and/or have cold-like symptoms, we ask you not to come to the community centre and instead stay at home and rest.
  • There is no place in our community centre for sexist, anti-Semitic or racist remarks, performances or groups.
  • Feedback is welcome: We value feedback about our work and use it to improve our services and activities.

Please voice your concerns if you feel uncomfortable about anything! Our aim is to make the community centre a safe place for everyone.

Contact persons at the community center

The team

The Community Centre Friedrichsfelde currently has two members of staff working there:

Until we move into the Kultschule, we'll continue to be active in the Friedrichsfelde neighbourhood with our mobile community centre, bringing our services and programs directly to you. We're looking forward to meeting you, hearing your ideas and learning about your hopes for the community centre. Feel free to contact us by phone or email with any suggestions. We can't wait to hear from you!

How to reach us


Community Centre Friedrichsfelde
Einbecker Straße 85 (5th floor)
Room 515 (Office)
Room 503 (Group and meeting room)
10315 Berlin

Stadtteilzentrum Friedrichsfelde Anfahrt