The community centre in Friedrichsfelde
Welcome to the Community Centre Friedrichsfelde-website. Here you'll find all the latest information about our programs, events and much more. We're glad you're here and hope you enjoy exploring our site!
This video is in German
Currently happening
Here you'll find all the latest news and information about our activities in Friedrichsfelde, as well as information about events in our network.
Programs for Friedrichsfelde
We offer a wide range of activities for children, young people and adults of all ages. Simply click on the photos for more details. Or click on the 'Weekly programme' button for an overview of our activities.
Our community centre is a place for you
About us

Pad gGmbH has been running Community Centre Friedrichsfelde since August 2023. The aim of the community centre is to create spaces where people can meet and get to know each other. As a community centre, we offer a variety of different programs, such as in the areas of counselling, education, culture and spare time. These programs are meant for people of all ages. The most important thing for the community centre is what the neighbourhood wants. We offer a mix of mobile services, where we are active as a mobile community centre, and activities held in our rooms at Einbecker Straße 85.

For an active community and vibrant neighbourhood
The purpose of the community centre
Community and sharing
Activities, celebrations, groups
Counselling, learning and cultural activities
Family support services